Bare Root Remedy aims to educate, heal and energize through natural remedies. We believe that Mother Nature has given us the foundation to live our healthiest selves and our goal is to provide products that exemplify the best nature has to offer, aid in emotional and spiritual development and to provide botanical education that empowers individuals to take responsibility for their health.
Meet the Founder
Connor Morgan
Oftentimes, our culture and respective upbringing have a significant influence on our dietary choices and lifestyle. Growing up as a half-Italian, African American female, my diet was high in calories, saturated fat, sugar and carbohydrates. My mother was diagnosed with diabetes and my father with high blood pressure, two health complications that are directly correlated to dietary habits. Unfortunately, I also faced health issues and continuously struggled to get answers from doctors that I needed. Therefore, instead of overdosing my body with pharmaceutical medicines as they insisted, I took matters into my own hands.Â